Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hope For The Future (Thirty Years Old, Social Worker) 2001

I wish I had some panacea to wish this life away.  I wish I had some type of saying that would make people believe that everything will be all right.  I wish I had a long life to live to keep imposing on the youth and subsequent adults so that I can make them understand, "Everything is going to be just fine, Sunshine!"  ...Oh, I wish I had that much faith!  But I would be telling those same youths, a mother fucking lie!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Time To Pay For This Long Vacation (Sixty-Five Years Old, Theological Satirist) March, 2020

Things will change most assuredly, in a horrible way.  That’s what happens in the scope of time, change always happens.  However minute.  Time and time again in Our God given life, we have seen the smallest things are the most crucial ones that cause said changes.  Why?   You may be asking yourself.  But it is simple really.  The human animal is superficial and We can see those things that are ocular.  But its always those little infinitesimal things that gets Us caught up because we have been conditioned to see what we can see.  Not delving deep to look beyond and see what we can’t.  Too much work I suppose for all of Us.   And I guess too in this Eden that was set up for Us to take care of and to labor…we are just tired of fucking working.  You see, when one stays in a place for too long, oft times one forgets why they are in that given place to begin with.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ring Damnit! (Fifty-Five Years Old, Attorney At Law) 2014

People don't like the true picture.  What you see, is what you get.  No!  No! No!  Not with me Boo-Boo!  Hell-to-the-naw!  I'm fifty-five years old and haven't ever seen times like this.  Hiding.  That's what I'm doing.  Shit!  Times are hard!  And I know that they are, but goddamn!  I'm embarassed.  I'm even using coupons at various fast food restaurants, for heaven's sake!  You tellin me people have stopped suing one another?  That Pro Se is the way?  I sit in my office waiting for the phone to ring.  Often times too damn long.  But what else am I supposed to do?  I had to lay off my legal assistant because all of the sudden people seemed to not need a good attorney any longer.  And I'll be damned if I take these cases for less than what I am worth.  Damn that!  My counterparts are doing it because it is better than being idle.  But idle I must be!  I'm not going to water down what I bring to the table and moreover my profession that I love and hope that I will be able to continue.  But shit!  Clients are making less also.  A vicious sorry ass cycle!  In a bad mothah fuckin way!  The fuck!?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time Will Ultimately Tell (White Female, Thirty-Four Years Old, Daily Weed Smoker) 2015

It only last a little while. The things that you have. And they were about to lasts a lot less. That's the way it is. C'est tout! But the funny thing about it is that everything is about structure, meaning and time,  all three of those things were getting hazy. All murky into one or this other but then again everything takes time. Time, that used to be in abundance, that now is again. Shit! The way things are going it will never be enough time to right the wrongs but it has been more than enough time to wrong the rights. There's more hours in a day like today. But I guess one can say that about yesterday. Nothing ever stays the same. And why don't they?  But shit is getting fucked up! And it's about time!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just Nasty (Eighty-Eight Years Old, Black Female, Divorcee, Died At Ninety Years Of Age, 2012) 2010

Whah?  Suck Whah?  She remembered it like it was yesterday.  But it was way back in 1942.  Suck my dick!  Whah?  You nasty sonofabitch!  No!  I will never suck your so called "dick"!  What is wrong with you?  Only whores would do that!  I'm your wife Jarvis?!  Then he had the nerves to say, "That's right Mabel, so you shouldn't have no reason not to suck my dick!"  The nerve!  I'm a Christian woman, born and raised.  I loved that man more than words could ever express.  But, I left his Black ass and never re-married.      Or had sex again.  Or had to, as he told me, put up with, sucking a man's dick!  A shame before God!

Heaven Is Dead In My Future (Suicidal, Twenty-Eight Years Old, Laid Off Pharmaceutical Line Employee) 2011

I've made so many promises that I've failed to keep;
Said many of prayers but all I do is weep;
But a brighter day is to come when I finally go to sleep.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Get Ready Cause Here It Comes (Thirty-Nine Years Old, Black Male) 2016

You get lost for a time, if you’re lucky.  If you’re not so lucky, you’re lost for a lifetime.  I was one of the lucky ones.  I started seeing what life was and what life was eventually going to be.  I stopped focusing on what is because all was lost.  It was time enough to start preparing for what was revealed to me in my waking sleep and I started slowly awakening.  I was lost in the time of the walking wounded and the walking dead.  And the scary part about it was, I started noticing I was one of the very few starting to wake up.