Saturday, April 7, 2012

Independence: Is An Illiteracy (Anonymous) 2013

People talkin all that bullshit about, I don't need anybody. Sheeit! Whatevah mothah fuckah! What-the-fuck-evah! You hear me! Bull-to-the-shit for real! Talk all that shit if yo sorry ass wantstah but yo sorry mothah fuckin ass needs some fuckin body! "A man is not an island unto himself." Damn right bout that shit. Don't wantstah hear that noise. Everybody needs some fuckin body! If...yo ass is human. And if yo sorry ass is readin this shit right the fuck here, I'm glad tah tell yo ungrateful ass, yo ass is fuckin human. That's why yo ass is readin this fuckin shit! Cause yo ass is reachin out to anothah mothah fuckah yah don't even know tah feel alive! Don't try tah play with me. It's just between you and me. Nobody else. But yo broke ass best believe you bettah start understandin the reality of the situation with these hard times that are here and the harder times that are tah come! There's some shit that is comin round the cornah fo yo ass that ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Nothin nice at all! Keep sittin up there with yo no count high pride ass if yah wannah, but soonah or latah, yo ass gonnah have tah depend on anothah mothah fuckin body! You hear me? And if you don't. Oh, this life has a way to teach yo prideful ass a lil thang or two, or three...And befo its too best start makin alot of fuckin friends, cause hard times are right around the cornah tah say, "Hell-the-fuck-o!"

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