Friday, August 26, 2011

Churches Are Evil (Ex-Pentecostal Religion Member) 2007

A personal relationship with Your God. That's what You need. Not what another tells You what God you are supposed to have a relationship with nor explaining to You how to perceive Your God. Do you not think if You asked Your God to guide you in the right direction that Your God would not? Or would Your God after asking for understanding of Your given spiritual book, would not give you understanding of those words which You are reading? Would Your God actually tell you to kill another after Your God informs You in the same text, "Thou shall not kill"? The text did not read, "Thou shall not kill...sometime." No, it is plain and simple what the statement means, if You are a reader and follower of the text of The Holy Bible. After great study in Christianity I have deduced, Jesus nor any of the Apostles liked the church. Admonishing those same institutions time and time again about the runnings and goings on in those same institutions. But One has to enlighten oneself to find those elusive troubling questions which One seeks and be willing to accept the answer after having a pure heart when asking One's God, "Help me understand this mess that We have made, Oh, Lord?" And my God has not disappointed me til this day. A personal relationship with Your God, is all that You need, not another person deciphering those very same words in the various spiritual texts to "guide" You through those same words. Are You not literate? Do you want a personal relationship with Your God? Is Your God Male or Female? What race is Your God? In what dialect does Your God speak to you?...Do You care? And whatever your answers may be to the various queries You have about Your God will lead You down the right path in which you are seeking and not. This is about Your soul. Your life. Your personal life. And those answers cannot come from an institution, especially a church. 

Only from within.

Never from without.

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