Monday, August 29, 2011

Pucker Up! (Female Tanzanian Albino) 2010

I look upon this life with so much hopelessness.

People everyday trying to make lemonade out of the lemons, people receive on a regular throughout their given daily life, that are in abundance; but the bad thing about that mentality is that you need two things, water of course, but the most important thing is the sweetner of choice which, unlike those lemons people receive freely, cost money. So, as you can see, people are only able, most often than not, to make lemon water or sour water. Makes me mad even thinking about it.

I have given up on sweetner a long time past. I have succumbed to just drinking lemon water because I have access to both, lemon and water, equally.

What a quandary people must be in everyday for, maybe, the rest of their, sweet dreamed filled, sour lives.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Churches Are Evil (Ex-Pentecostal Religion Member) 2007

A personal relationship with Your God. That's what You need. Not what another tells You what God you are supposed to have a relationship with nor explaining to You how to perceive Your God. Do you not think if You asked Your God to guide you in the right direction that Your God would not? Or would Your God after asking for understanding of Your given spiritual book, would not give you understanding of those words which You are reading? Would Your God actually tell you to kill another after Your God informs You in the same text, "Thou shall not kill"? The text did not read, "Thou shall not kill...sometime." No, it is plain and simple what the statement means, if You are a reader and follower of the text of The Holy Bible. After great study in Christianity I have deduced, Jesus nor any of the Apostles liked the church. Admonishing those same institutions time and time again about the runnings and goings on in those same institutions. But One has to enlighten oneself to find those elusive troubling questions which One seeks and be willing to accept the answer after having a pure heart when asking One's God, "Help me understand this mess that We have made, Oh, Lord?" And my God has not disappointed me til this day. A personal relationship with Your God, is all that You need, not another person deciphering those very same words in the various spiritual texts to "guide" You through those same words. Are You not literate? Do you want a personal relationship with Your God? Is Your God Male or Female? What race is Your God? In what dialect does Your God speak to you?...Do You care? And whatever your answers may be to the various queries You have about Your God will lead You down the right path in which you are seeking and not. This is about Your soul. Your life. Your personal life. And those answers cannot come from an institution, especially a church. 

Only from within.

Never from without.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Balderdash (Thirtyish Undergraduate Philosophy Major) 2015

This life is like a waiter's/waitress' life, some may argue about the analogy, but life, narratives and analogies are subjective. So what people disagree with about my analogy do not bother me. Nor do I care. It is all about the visionary.

Digressing, from the start, the server begins at fifteen to twenty percent gratuity. Aforementioned gratuity either ascends or descends given the good or bad service one gets from said server; hence, life is the same way. We start at the maximum gratuity at birth and subsequently it heightens or lessens, depending upon, what we do with our various individual lives that we are given. If we serve well, in the Christian belief, we get rewarded with eternal life of perceived blissfulness. If we do not serve well, it is eternal life of hell, figuratively and literally, so the Christian belief tells one and all.

I say differently. I have had many dreams of what I would perceive as hellish: packs of dogs chasing and overtaking me with teeth that look as though they could dismember me with one big chomp, and feeling as though I was so hot that I wanted to disrobe and continue running but could not because every second lost is a second of the dogs catching me faster, as in life, one cannot run away from this life, it always catches up with one and overtakes and wins.

I have also had dreams that I was standing at the precipice of hell. Looking ahead and seeing nothing but a lake of fire as far as my eyes could see and feeling the intense heat emitting off of the lake and finally waking up sweating profusely…I cannot do a thing about what will transpire to my soul subsequent to death. Nothing. Except to swan dive off said precipice into the raging lake of fire. I lived my life how I lived my life. No more. No less. There is nothing else I can do to change the penance that will have befallen me. And I will accept it for eternity. If we are to believe the Christians and that’s a big, “IF.”

Now, I must live life like I understand how to live it. Whatever happens after it is all said and done is out of my control. Amen!

I smile oft times while I am going through my daily routines, whatever that comprises, and think about how this world started and why, as in biblical standards, we were put into the situation that we are in: two people supposedly working and were woefully deficient in their employment responsibilities and obligations. Lazy, shiftless employees. Both being enticed, bribed, while on the job and both suffering great penances for taken said bribe, being fired. Making working conditions for the future employees untenable, horrible.

Why? Two workers dealing with one enticement. Just one. One that both found too appealing to pass up or to deny. Just one. Now, there are a plethora of enticements, too many to count.

I think often about how unfair this whole thing that we call life is taking into consideration, again, from the Chritian credo: Two people having just one lure and took the bait. Funny. I…now, living in a world with billions of serpents with just as many enticements and having to make the right choices constantly for a life of eternal bliss, often thinking, after going through this scenario, about how the two would fair in this world of deceit and treachery? And having to co-exist with billions of other people…

Adam nor Eve…would not stand a fucking chance!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Lighting of The Torch (Broke Black Prophet) 2019

What will you do when the Earth becomes scorched? That's when the real test will be revealed, enacted. What will you do, he and she, who make up this great tribe of Ours? These are the times for all of US to do spiritual Olympics because the main event is to come...soon. And only thy faith will give you the endurance needed to witness victory!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thirty-Nine Year Old American Tribe Person, 2001

We live and breath. Breath and not live. Funny how life is. Though the human body is on autopilot, how life itself can stagnate for one, become eerily still; yet, we have the choice to move in and out of this life freely, at will. But some refuse to, for no other reason than we have let this society dictate our own individual lives and our own individuality. And the sad part about it is, we did it to ourselves.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nothing. Absolutely! (Perceived Insane Vietnamese Female) 1970

We are here. Yet, not here. Figments of our imagination. Apparitions which we believe live. We are nothing but smoke and dust which moves according to the winds. The winds are harsh now and unforgiving. With that, we are starting to see what we really are...nothing.