Friday, May 27, 2011

The Earth Is God / Revelations Then Genesis (Anonymous) 2020

Think about humans and living. Looking at it scientifically one has to believe what is really God is the Earth itself to be able to survive in its universe, in order to stay an entity, its inner life which breeds forth in us all, sends out its forces to diminish man so its core/energy source/heart will never die in the hands of man.

You see there has always been humans, but ever so often the earth sends out its destructive forces to kill man just enough, leaving enough of them on this earth to take care of it so it will always be a viable system in its universe. Spewing forth a massive amount of fire and ash, to limit man and what they have done to its epidermis. Purifying itself from the parasites it lets live on its surface so it will stay well groomed and continue to live. But parasites do not know when to stop procreating and limiting the destruction, to coexist with the host/God/Earth.

Humans/parasites start messing up too much of the skin, epidermis, mesodermis and a balance must come and the parasites must be scratched off or cleaned off; ergo, an antibiotic, or spray that works as an agent to kill all the parasites living on terra firma. Fire and brimstone, fire being the source of the genesis of the destruction and brimstone being ash and rock from the explosion that ignites from the purification process. The two combining as a blanket of death until just enough of the parasites survive; hence, Apocalypse, Revelations.

Humans eventually, being in such small numbers what scientist call "The Bottleneck Effect," after procreating a thousand times over, the caveman starts existing and the Genesis of modern day man starts anew. Eventually getting in balance with the earth and grooming it so balance of the forestry will stay intact and other things on the earth's surface which is in perfect balance, surviving the various destruction's over the years, and flourishing when man is limited then being in balance when humans start building, foraging, hunting…

The earth needs to survive, not man. Nature in reverse.

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