Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Penance (The Spoken Word, Uninsured Cancer Victim) 2014

People think of waste. Taste the haste of such self-righteousness among us. The dust turns into must as the lust becomes uncontrollable. Inconsolable as the portable television becomes a mission instead of hope or wishin. Fishin for food, prudes of such throw backs like the political hacks; they contract then hold back; stack the dialect they deem circumspect. Detect is not an answer. Cancer eating my body as the lobby suppresses me, the poverty stricken which sickens. But life ticks away in this mainstay as I wash away. Decay without say. Play a game of life with dismay. In judgement, I will eventually pay. But that is more than okay. Fuck you! Not tomorrow...but today!

The Human Puzzle (Anonymous) December 1965

If one wants to figure one out, one firstly has to listen to the individual and their narratives and after a time, which is up to one’s discretion based on listening skills, one has to make an assessment of the other. Because one has to take on the task of all human beings, “Is the puzzle worthy to be solved? Given the time it takes to begin to solve this human’s puzzle?” And if one partakes in the solving properties of the game of note, one is in for a treat indeed. And of course it is not unidirectional but of course bidirectional, because of one trying to find the solving of another must in the game itself give a little of one’s piece of their given riddle; albeit unbeknownst to one because again, people are born puzzlers not understanding, they, themselves have fallen trap of all, giving a bone and taking a bone. A balance, an unsaid rule amongst all of us adept puzzlers; the ground rules made and tweaked through the sands of time which have passed throughout our evolution into what we are still to this day, greater puzzlers; evolving in even a more complex and interesting puzzle. Making it harder and harder so the human race can keep being productive by needing that complexity because if we knew, all hope and ones life becomes one of perpetual fear and anarchy. Alas, that is only a minute part of the puzzle which will be dispersed randomly and it is up to one to keep the various pieces in the given shape and form which another starts divulging, and sometime another does not give that same piece which the other has been given in the right form and shape, again; ergo a lost piece of said puzzle. So, the paramount concern is to not let the opportunity come into fruition where one puts themselves in that position, if one cares at all about another espousing and giving out segments for one to decipher. Well why the puzzle? You see we are all puzzlers at heart, an innate art if you will, all human beings have this vast puzzle to give another and it is only then when the other is interested in one will they share the most unique, one of a kind riddle and another, other than the one given the puzzle, will ever be said ever again or told in the same way! Ever! An untold secret, which is nothing to sneeze about these days; loose lips running amok in an eighteen wheeled truck; a game played not by one’s own volition, but one of hope and love. You see that’s why people don’t tell everything at once. Nooooo! That would be giving you the whole puzzle and there’s no interest in that. No, if one loves me, one will stick around if I give them piece by piece instead of giving them the whole puzzled picture all at once.

Happy puzzling.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Earth Is God / Revelations Then Genesis (Anonymous) 2020

Think about humans and living. Looking at it scientifically one has to believe what is really God is the Earth itself to be able to survive in its universe, in order to stay an entity, its inner life which breeds forth in us all, sends out its forces to diminish man so its core/energy source/heart will never die in the hands of man.

You see there has always been humans, but ever so often the earth sends out its destructive forces to kill man just enough, leaving enough of them on this earth to take care of it so it will always be a viable system in its universe. Spewing forth a massive amount of fire and ash, to limit man and what they have done to its epidermis. Purifying itself from the parasites it lets live on its surface so it will stay well groomed and continue to live. But parasites do not know when to stop procreating and limiting the destruction, to coexist with the host/God/Earth.

Humans/parasites start messing up too much of the skin, epidermis, mesodermis and a balance must come and the parasites must be scratched off or cleaned off; ergo, an antibiotic, or spray that works as an agent to kill all the parasites living on terra firma. Fire and brimstone, fire being the source of the genesis of the destruction and brimstone being ash and rock from the explosion that ignites from the purification process. The two combining as a blanket of death until just enough of the parasites survive; hence, Apocalypse, Revelations.

Humans eventually, being in such small numbers what scientist call "The Bottleneck Effect," after procreating a thousand times over, the caveman starts existing and the Genesis of modern day man starts anew. Eventually getting in balance with the earth and grooming it so balance of the forestry will stay intact and other things on the earth's surface which is in perfect balance, surviving the various destruction's over the years, and flourishing when man is limited then being in balance when humans start building, foraging, hunting…

The earth needs to survive, not man. Nature in reverse.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ashes To Dust (The Spoken Word Morgan Lambert Hopson II) 2017

Soon to be consumed; embalmed; then scented with formaldehyde perfume. Entombed in eternity’s bosom; such a dark room. Time will be an illiteracy dancing on the edge which forgot time; shackled, finally humans’ crime. Hope lost in its prime. The sublime will be answered amid the subliminal. Damned criminal, going back to the primal state from which we have come. All! Not some.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mother Earth / June 2019

Feel the warmth. It is only going to get hotter with the oncoming days. The fire is starting to get out of control in the center. She must cool herself somehow. No one likes that kind of intense heat for too long, only she can withstand such hellishness, it is cooling time, healing time.

Her boils, volcanoes, are beginning to spew, releasing her toxins; so she may heal from the parasites that have been feeding off her for so long, destroying her atmosphere, her aura. Like any living entity her temperature becoming unstable from the known cause of the infection and with that her defense mechanisms, white blood cells, have kicked in so she may fight; yet, another round of the same infection she has allowed to exist time and time again because she is...merciful, caring, loving.

She doesn't want to, but it is fine time for her to purge.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today! (An Elder From One of The Lost Tribes)

I must say to thee, for the tribes that come aft, there will never be a day like the one thou is witnessing today. Whatever thy spirit, fill thy spirit with today until it runneth over, beyond satiation. Do not fill this day with selfish folly for thy days are young, thy days will always be filled with youth until thy soul pasts.

Enjoy the Heavens and everything which dwells herein. For thy days are numbered.

And there will never be a day, before or aft...like today.

Friday, May 6, 2011

An Angry Tribe Person (Race Unknown, Gender Unknown) 2018

Motha fuckas are tense. Somethins bout ready to pop the fuck off! It’s in the air. It’s in the winter’s breeze and the supposedly summer’s ease. It is time. Time enough. People have been pampered, postured, captured, murdered, festered, raped, molested, paid and laid…enough. Babies being taken advantage of by sorry adult fucks. It fuckin sucks! Our venerable, elderly, being taped, tapped, rapped and wrapped. Our sins…coming to the fore; more than a little sore. We can’t ignore. Oh, time enough. I hate to think of how I perceive this shit that I am witnessing but I must, if I am a sentient human being, like I surely am. Fuck the truss and the SPAM; I’ll own my trust; greed becoming the need; euro centrism becoming the maxim. Phlegm, being green and mean as it spews forth from my mouth; the, dirty south becoming more sullied, as the muddied waters become muddier. Flights taking off, without a destination leading to adultery and fornication on such a pervasive whim, limbs becoming flaccid with the latitude crossing: lewd, nude and rude. Prudes being buried; hurried into the ground without another sound to pound out further angst. Gangsters becoming the folly of pranksters; silly son of a bitchs wielding switches from the trees with their britches being around their knees as the snitches become the ones with the riches. Softness turning into toughness. Mans hands bloodied, sullied, studied to the point of nausea, a so-called panacea of a formula. Finding out finally it’s not the mighty that makes everything all right, blindness of sight. Tight lines find the Achilles heel as we steal another day under Our God’s Son. Light another candle to handle another fine mess to undress such absurdity in this horrible profundity. We can’t help to be pitied. We have never failed to disappoint with our conditioned response to the elements. Filaments getting dimmer to simmer another fine loser of humankind. We never learn, discern the learned points, crippled joints disjointed. Hearts pointed in the wrong direction…every fuckin time we have been through this shit! Get a clue or get catatonic, dark blue. A fucking pit. It’s all the same, the imagery we have sent aloft. That is no sneeze but a seriously grim cough with blood mixed with wine. A fine sign aligned this shit is getting rough. Yes, time enough.