Friday, November 19, 2010

March 14, 2012, From An Average American Citizen

Humans have thought, the elitist that is, that they can create anything that they want to come into fruition. Even, now, trying to create a man made atmosphere with its scientific belief and actuation of Geo-engineering. Messing with nature has always gotten humans in terrible peril. And it is no different to this day.

The media are constantly displaying people and talking heads stating that Global Warming is a joke. Well...I really don't know what to say to that. I really don't. We are in grievous peril and have not a clue. A cataclysmic event is sure to happen, just read Revelations. The Book of Revelations tells US all what we are going to experience if we do not stop what we are being selfish of and start paying more attention to the living and breathing entity which brings US humans all life...Earth.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Voice of God, Interpreted Through A Writer, November 2018

A clean page. Pristine in its essence. Signifying purity of spirit. What world would you like to create today Mister Man? Hmm? Since I am playing God in this scenario one must choose wisely, prudently, less one errs. And God does not err. Does God not? Definitely no! He made humans; that was definitely not an egregious error. Humans were made just right. And just to my liking. Fallible in their purest nature because there is only one God you see. Make you in my likeness? Sure. Make you perfect? Uh, no. Can’t have that. Oh, no. I cannot be God if I make one just like I. Likeness is not I. Likeness is a euphemism meaning, you’re going to look and appear like me but with not the same substantive nature. That wouldn’t be God. No, then there would be Gods. And there is only one…God. I Can’t have plurality. That’s a definite no-no. I have given you enough options, choices. So…be well with what I have given you. A God without vision is a God who is doomed. And that is not an option. I must succeed in the task of creation and Your doom. Not My creations and subsequent errors. Did I say errors? No, I did not intend to speak such untruths. I meant, My creations and Your subsequent errors. What in the world was I thinking? Well, anyway. I created this Eden, this world with which you live and breathe. I have given you choices to see that when things go wrong You are the one or ones at fault. Not I. I am God. I do not error. And when all else fails, blame it on my friend, you know him well, The Devil. But there is no such friend or thing or person or entity, of course, named The Devil. I amuse myself so when I hear his phantom name, The Devil. There I go again, that name of a figment of Your imagination to blame someone else other than who is really responsible for the misdeeds to all of you humans, You; gives me so much laughter, so much…Joy, if you will. And I do love a good guffaw. I will hate to destroy this world again. But such is life, which I made for you all. The preciousness of it. The purity of Your existence, which I also brought forth from deep inside of my bosom. You all are a queer lot, in so much as, this life, which I have given you freely is one which You take so much for granted. I shake my head so at all of You. Never appreciating life but appreciating the things of this life. I muse so often of where I went wrong? I don’t mean for you to ever believe that I was wrong in creating You…but…Why do I have to keep on destroying most of you for what is left after Thy destruction to understand what it is to live? Time and time again I have had to do this but for some reason You take this life that I have given to You and throw it away like yesterday’s refuse. And, yet; I keep trying. I keep letting some live to start anew, for the Love of humans; to have given You a gift which I thought would have been so treasured and treated priceless. You never cease to disappoint me. Not one time have you given me pause, so predictable in your nature. The modern day church…I laugh at thee as well. Most of you thinking I have something to do with that? Please! You do me so much disservice. Churches are man made; ergo, fallible. And again, I do not error. I am God. Those so called preachers who avow, on the various pulpits, they were sent by me. Do you not believe or even think I could send you some one more credible, some one more…pious than an ex-drug dealer, fornicator, whore monger…with which you have fallen ruse to? You are a funny lot. I have given you so much knowledge and yet most fall prey to absurdity. There is, or was, only one real Preacher and he went by the name Ecclesiastes. He was the only one of his kind who never took my name in vain, the only true Preacher. Alas; digressing, I will have to destroy most of you once more, to get this Eden back in balance. A pity though...but I must. So be it! The end is nigh.