Monday, March 30, 2009

Chaldea's Mantra

This Great Tribe of Chaldea, Our Lord of Host, asks for understanding and enlightenment. We seek that which we do not know. And this Great Tribe knocks for our every pour on and in our entire temple to set forth effulgent light upon this Great Eden.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Great Chaldean Tribe's Only Prayer, (Matt 6: 9-13)

It starts with each one of US. Oh, Lord of Host. Each Human to confirm to thine connected edict which we should abide by forever and ever to make this Great Tribe of Chaldea everlasting. Each one of thine spirits which are interconnected by the blood which Our Lord shed for us all. Our Lord's bloodshed is our bloodshed. And we must, not shall, understand that as One, not as individuals which this Eden has put into place. Humans' law is not Our Lord's law. Greed and selfishness has never been Our God's way. Nor has mercilessness and lack of kindness to our fellow Humans who struggle daily shoulder to shoulder with US. We pray to thee to keep thy faith Our Great Lord. And to keep our prayers simple as set before US in the Great Book of Humankind to not be like thy hypocrites which pray with much speaking. But to keep thy Lord's Prayer sacred and which will be our only utterance in secret.

Forgive US! Amen!