Wednesday, September 30, 2020

(I'm still working on this one, so here's a peek with no peak) BBP 2DOC (1stDOC/Th-03-Sept-2020)

…There that shit go again? Ya see what I mean? I mean, for real you didn’t hear that shit? When I see that motha fucka again I’m gonna tell that motha fucka ta leave whatevathefuck we were smokin the fuck alone! For real! Then a certain presence emanated. The fuck! How much longer I got until this shit wears off? So let me sit my Black ass up. I sit up with the half moon in the sky, my night vision being acute because of being out in the goddawful dark for…reaching for my cell phone now illuminated informing me some forty-five minutes. Cool. But look…I can’t really describe it to you. But I can see them. As if they are one with the night but many. You don’t get it? Let me liven a word picture for you. Let’s say you have cellophane in front of you; yet, unbeknownst to you? Don’t think too hard on it, I’m wording the picture. Let go…There you go…the numerous figures are coming towards US as if moving effortless through the air without touching the ground, like forms of humans compressed against the backdrop of cellophaned night.

Look goddamnit! They're almost upon US! Please! Just fuckin look!…

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Debate: President Donald Trump V. Vice President Joe Biden (MSHCirca2000)

 Trump kickin' that ass in the nuts! Po' Joe. Joe Biden lookin straight up like, Snow Miser from: "The Year Without A Santa Claus." 'member that shit? 

"Shit! Bingo! Bango! A sad negro!" Ya heard may? The American slogan subsequently:

"Kick'em in their fuckin' nuts Trump!"

Come ohn na! Ya just gotsta love it! For real!

Peace! More to come...

Not On The Menu

Don’t wait to taste this here prime humanity of insanity. Might choose something you care for and adore. It’s too late then, the door’s been shut! Now you have to feed with your heart cut, slowly dying from within.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Cannons, "Love on the ground" (55 Years Old, Music Critic, D.J. Piece) Now

 I move to this song like when I was thirty-three years old. 

When I hear some complexed aural music like this shit, well sign me up! And yes, I am thrown back some twenty-two years ago moving to the music...the same as when I was thirty-three. 

Whah? You heard my sorry Black ass! Hold up! Here's my part, "...Is it love or is it...alchemy? I need to know. Is it love or is it...alchemy? I need to know. I need to know..." Come ohn naw!

Peace! More to come...

Thursday, September 24, 2020

You Ain't Fresh (Studio Engineer, Alfred Fresh, World Renowned for his '35 Percent Modulation Theory of Professional Mimicry') Sunday, February 14, 2021

Well it was the money. It is what it is. So he agreed to finally 35 percent. Smart for him. I mean you can do so much to a voice then shit, it ain’t shit but the motha fucka yo sorry ass tryin to sound like. It’s the motha fucka we tryin to mimic yet not. 

He fuckin agreed to 35 percent. But what do motha fuckas do? Motha fucka, just because Michael 's dead motha fucka don’t mean shit. After a while motha fucka gonna start understandin that ain’t no fuckin Weeknd that some Michael Jackson with a little influence from the Weeknd’s voice which we married 65 percent Michael Jackson’s voice on the tracks and 35 percent Weeknd’s voice. And everything was cooler than a motha fucka until a motha fucka start smellin under their armpits and still thinkin they smellin fresh. And heavy on that still...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fighting The Progeny of Misogyny

Say it loud and sound proud. Enshroud the clouds forming, culminating and storming on all fronts. Confront the male fetid cunts’ stunts. The punt ’s on the half yard, downed without even a yellow card being shown as a penalty. Don’t let the vaginal allegory steel your thunder, steal your glory. But glad tah tell ya, the vagina is the most important genital part of Our human story.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

God Damned Texting (True interchange) Friday, September 18, 2020 @ 6:30 PM, Indianapolis, Indiana

"Hi, I'm Giselle. I'm just contacting you about voting. I am reaching out to you from the Democratic Party wanting you to remember to vote. We are also asking for you to reach out to other people and call them to remind them how important this upcoming election is. Please call people and remind them to vote." (jk000(()

"Hello my Dear Sweet Sista. I am a Trump Supporter. Do you still want me to make those calls?"

"Thank you, sorry to waste your time. Have a nice day."

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sinking (Retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant, Fifty-Six Years Old, Robert Apples: Finding It Difficult To Cope On The Outside; Lake Monroe, Bloomington, Indiana) Sunday, July 04, 2021

 He decided mind you to look up as it was happening. Water kind of burning his nose. Hurting his eyes. Water isn't as pure as most people think it is. Seeing these movies showing these people with their given eyes wide open under nasty ocean or lake water no less. Bunch of Hollywood bullshit. Open your eyes under that damn lake water and see what yo dumb ass gets? Ain't gonna be nothin nice with those pollutants' gettin yo fuckin eyes all the fucked up! Shit fuck that, you don't even have to go as far as your local watering hole, shit, just open your eyes in the bathtub goddamn it! And magnify those microbes in your lil micro environment with the eyes wide opened Hollywood actor/actress fucking acting, times billions of nanos and tell a muh fucka who tellin you the goddamnedawful truth?...

Friday, September 18, 2020

Darkness Has Never Stopped The Light (Noble Prize Winning Author, Xavier Xenith Xanther, Existentialist) Sunday, 04 July 2021, "Holla At Cha X " Convention, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana

 Everything starts with darkness, a void. But then the light grows magnificently out of the given darkness. Now, effulgently shining and the true Beauty of Life is revealed. 


Friday, September 11, 2020

It's All About: Them

I ponder…I do that so much these days. There is no time in my life that I have thought about where this life of ours is going? Not for me. Shit, I wanted to end it a long time ago but took too long doing it, so here I sit reading with you. No, not for my life but for their lives. The Ones coming up to become we would hope sentient, responsible, safe…and be able to really fight for what is right…for them.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Operation Blank (Anonymous) Year 0000 Post Nuclear Winter (Month and day, somewhere in the Fall months)

 We didn't understand it at the time! How could we? It was there! Right in front of our eyes; yet, we were played. Oh, we don't use the internet or anything electronic speak for US now. We have learned from the past: If you don't have a person from the past, telling you from the past, in the future, "Then what is the future's truth?"...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Votre Existence (Motivator/Existentialist, Chloe Hopson) Sunday, 06-December-2020

Do I exist? Now that’s a motha fucka query fo yo ass! Only in your minds eye. Think about it, you only exist in the environment which you inhabit. I will never go to Japan! Not sayin that I wouldn’t like ta go negro but shit they don’t like niggas and I ain’t got the money! Shit! Digressing…we were pondering the phrase: “Do I exist?” And a marvelous query it is. Japan…if a motha fucka ova there ain’t eva interacted with me, neva seen me, neva acknowledged me…in their existence I never existed. Not only that: they never existed to me. And never will because: they don’t like niggas and I ain’t got the money!...

The Truth

 You feel lost as a motha fuckah. For real. Things don't feel right, don't look right, don't sound right, don't smell right...because it ain't right! 

But hold up d'ere naw! Let me tell ya lil sorry ass som'em: It-ain't-fucking-about-the-Right! Far be it. You and I know that. Don't we?...

Friday, September 4, 2020

IT Happens (ITH) (Thirty-Nine Years Old, MIT Graduate, I.T. Programming Specialist, Dennis Entry) I.T. Seminar: The Cloudless Sky, SalesForce Arena, Indianapolis, Indiana, Wednesday, March 03, 2021 @ 3:30 PM

 It sounds good. Sounds AMAZING in fact. But what do we in the I.T. field understand? Right? If its human generated the program will always have a flaw! Always! Because though we are all programmers here today we are not Flawless! (Laughter throughout the crowd resonating off of the auditorium's walls) Now here is the segue. All of US understanding that credo, that fact, that...absolute...we are still believing data out of those ubiquitous flawed not flawless systems. Take, "The Cloud," for heaven's sake. They are telling you it is a flawed system just by what they've named it: The Cloud! Clouds are not a constant! No, goddamnit! They form then slowly dissipate! Ergo, yo shit will dissipate and be the fuck gone over a time!  Because it fucking dissipates over a time! Now you're fucked for believing this bullshit in Heaven!...

Fruit To Bear (2020) BBP

Raising a child to have choices is a beautiful thing. Why do I say that which to me is a Truism in my psyche, based on life and living? You 

Because one sees the outcome from the child which grew out of such an environment. In Biblical terms, “From the trees come forth seeds and what edible fruit which they lie?” So one can gauge what one does or has done just by being honest with oneself and do what’s best for the seed and subsequent fruit. C’est tout! 

Less one wants to bear inedible fruit. But who in their fucking right fucking mind would do that? Some psychotic farmer or psychotic horticulturalist with a death wish?...  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Boo-Hiss!" Triple Platinum Reggae Inspired Relatively New Single From The Controversial Band: Riots Are Calm kNow (R.A.C.K.N.) Sunday, February 14, 2021

Boo-Hiss! (Men chanting title(MCT))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss!  (MCT)
"When a fucka come 'round ya gotta get down!" (androgynous voice (av))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Say it louder! (Single Male Voice saying in a commanding voice. (smv))
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
Boo-Hiss! (MCT)
"When a motha fucka come 'round ya gotta get down! (av)

(I'm still working on this one. But here's a peek with no peak...) BBP

 So I was higher than shit right. I got behind the wheel of my car and looked around...I forgot like a motha fucka he lives in the sticks and ain't no fuckin way my Black ass can keep it steady, drivin my ass some forty-five minutes in total, to get my Black ass back to the crib!Be smart motha fucka, sleep it off. Get out the car. Sit on the hood and look at the heavens and indulge...motha fucka! 

So I sit on the hood and look up and I start to marvel...then I heard the earth come alive with sounds acquainted with the night....

Then I heard some shit that was abnormal with the sounds acquainted with the night. Something not quite right with that sound...there it goes again... then nothing for some time. Silence like the night went deaf. Shit, like I went deaf! Shit, the fuck kinda weed that motha fucka have me smokin? Trippin like a motha fucka! Calm yo ass down! You cool. Keep it togetha baby. There you go playa. Speak on it. Well, like I was sayin. Motha fucka lives out in the sticks...Fuck this, let me lie down on this hood an marvel some more and tell y'all about this shit round here. He and his wife have a real nice home. They live down Lafayette Road past 86th street. Kinda woodsy and not. A cross between urban and rural but not quite suburbia. They live in a plot that they share with three other houses called, Kingdom Estates, believe it or not. I have never seen the other three houses on the plot but if the others looked like theirs, them some funky houses too. I mean bad.  Like Michael Jackson Bad...