Friday, July 31, 2020

Heaven Is Nigh (BBP) Friday September 11, 2020

Take the time to find the fine line in this life of pitiable destiny. Blessed to be a wild child, instead of being meek and mild; it's so plain to see in me; piled high to the sky looking and knocking on Heaven's door.

No one has ever answered. Sent a request before I am dead, asking: "I keep knocking, will someone let me in?"

A terse response contained therein, "I don't care! But there's no need to keep knocking! My son, you are already here!"

Thursday, July 30, 2020

In The Best Interests? (Alan Thompson, 33 Year Old, Black Non-Custodial Marion County Indiana Parent) March 03, 2020

“Mr. Thompson, do you have anything you want to say,“ The judge asked.

“Yes, Your Honor,” He said, and proceeded to lay down his reasonable law. “The way I’ve been treated down here in Johnson county Indiana…well…I’ve been treated like a nigga. I don’t know how else to put it. The head of the ADR in these parts, Mr. Saturn, he told me straight up, ”Mr. Thompson, you’re not going to change the way things go on around here.” Fuck that mean? I still want to ask that motha fuckin so-called mediating attorney that. Why? Because she’s white and I’m Black? The fuck? I don’t have the right as a caring parent; albeit Father, which you courts don’t think two shits about, to have Zoe at least half of the time? Half of her life is not reasonable? Why? Cause I’m a nigga? Cause I’m a punk ass man, and if I really was a man, in the traditional court mindset, I would be out there at work, providing and slaving for my child? Not, wanting to spend time with the child, scaling down. A fuckin sperm donor? The fuck? That’s not a man’s duty to care about the rearing of his child or children. So, what am I doing as a caring male parent? Impeding upon the traditional mores and values of a race that don’t have the faintest clue anymore of how to raise a child or raise their children? Due diligence. I have witnessed firsthand of what I must do as a parent, not Mother or Father, but a motha fucka who played God and now the role of God don’t look so hot because the creator has been duped into a contract with another creator who’s creation was nothing more than the other creator being…bored. Not, realizing what that one creation will become, or what responsibilities belies when one plays God and creates. The power of Gods hand: I give you the gift of knowing creation. The greatest and most priceless gift God could ever have given US, his soul, discernment. And what do we do with it? We fight with one another about the time the creation can spend with one creator than with the other creator. We drink; work all the damn time; do drugs…cause we have found out, this creation shit ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Touché! Touché! God is a stupid motha fucka to keep putting in the pot on this gamble. He called. I called. And whatasurprise! Loser. Every fuckin time. But he did… and he does. I did..and I do. Because, like Our Heavenly Father, I have hope. And with that hope, Our child cannot become wayward. This society is replete with wayward children; hence, my non-traditional role of a Father; albeit, just a plain old parent. I am only guilty of that, just trying to be a plain old parent. I want this court to pity the man which stands in front of this judge. And I also want this court to pity the situation Zoe is in, in the creation process. The creation has no choice. The creators make those choices for them. I just want to be a part of my creation. I have nothing more to say Your Honor.”

Sunday, July 26, 2020

No More Fear (BBP) August 26, 2020

He dreaded it. The damn pain! He hated it so. But what was the alternative? Wearing a mask all the damn time for deference sake? Shit no! He hated the mask like he hated the way this life was headed, to a slave state for the underprivileged, like he surely was but Heaven for the elite. Inconveniences were not meant for the poor or the unfortunates. The status quo had no place for a newly freed negro. 'Black Lives Matter,' was just a ruse to the obtuse. He was not slow to understand what was going on. Far be it. He knew the movement had everything to do but what they avowed, Black Lives Matter. And everything to do with rich lives mattered: the lazy, the weak and the worthless.

If COVID was really the truth there would be no options for anyone.! He remembered when the great HIV scare hit the masses and what did they do? Not a damn thing! You can't keep motha fuckas from fuckin! White or Black people are going to fuck! And that went away and now it is just a time in our Human's history, a blip on the greatest stage screen ever, life. He had to smile to himself and shake his head.

Fear, guilt and life are the three greatest selling points to the great hustle of life. And the powers that be understood that fact. Been manipulating the multitude, the poor, since the beginning of Humans' existence.

And this was the last stage of Neutralization. The line in the sand had been drawn. And he had no other alternative but to believe in his Father and fast...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Masked Death (August 25, 2020) Broke Black Profit

Now the motha fuchas say wear a mask on that ass. Surpass the task of being human. A true 'Wo' or 'Man.' And stand on the precipice to entice to alleviate the right. The wrong going strong while we all look for a dour filled bong to get along. There's always hope with dope to quell the many ills that have never healed or thrilled. Oh, wear a mask to last. Fast? The fuck you thinkin while yo broke ass is sinkin? Pass the joint to disjoint the particles fractured, pasteurized and not manufactured by no ones' surprised by the undernourishment in this wonderful firmament. Smell the scent of this crime scene made of precious metals and greens; nano particulates left to never to be seen or bereft.