Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Caucasoids (Lien Back, Black History Professor, TSU) March 3, 2001

Do you know who hates black people more than white christian men?  Oh, you don't?  Well, let me tell yo lil ass a lil somehn-somehn.  The answer to that query is: white ashkenazim jews.  And do you know why? Well let me educate you just a wee bit.  Well, the ashenazim/askenazi jew are the ones that were banished by the Beta Isarael Jews to the Caucasus Mountains because of their erratic, crazy behavior.   Once they escaped, came running down from the mountains, they vowed to destroy the Tribe of Shem,  Black folks.  The Beta Israel Ethiopian Jews are the real deal.  These ashkenazi white looking trying to pass themselves off as Jews are squirrels trying to retrieve a nut...(to be continued...)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Can We Really Speak Truths Here...(Fifty-One Years Old, Jestikid Jenkins, Comedienne) 2020

Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh…in a four-three count rhythm, both like a marked finetuned clock sexing and loving it out…But niggah…I say niggah…did I tell you that no matter how a muh fucka hittin it…shit, yo ass gotstah keep yo playa card in check! If yah didn’t know yo stankin ass betta ask somebody…else with yo tired ass!  Where was a bitch at…?  Bingo!  Bango!  Stank negro…I fuckin got it!  But are you ready?  I mean really ready?  Come on naw yo ass can tell a bitch?!  Whah naw?  I can’t hear ya? Right.  Right.  I understand. Well shit…I can make you understand is this now we talkin: …
I was a mistress of such fine, media conditioned moral of codes until, that fine muh fucka got high.  Girl! Shit!  Owwww wee.  No in front of you, this ain’t got shit ta do bout no damned playa card. This shit ‘tween lady to lady, bitch-ta-bitch, woman ta woman…and whatevah the fuck…when that muh fuckah high?!  Oh shit!  Let me give you a wee bit!  So he sucks that pussy lookin up at a bitch and shit like, “I’m tearin that muh fuckin shit up I know and I’m just lettin you know,”  and you say to yo tryin ta be a prudish ass, “ Yes you are muh fuckah, bitch done climaxed three times in the past, let me see here, six minutes!  Whatever you want to do, do muh fuckah, cause a bitch is down!  And did I stress: Down?..."  The playa card is on fuckin notice at this point.  For the, piece da resistance, aftah it is all said and done, he sticks that dick out bitch, and as quiet as it’s kept, the size doesn’t mattah!  Call me crazy!  Call me bullshitter!  Whatever my sweet bitches!  And we sure in the hell will not let the shit out to such a clumsy, inept and dysfunctionaled gender.  But we, women are on a cerebral plane; you, my fucked male friends, are on a physical level; yet, you white media  so-called Christian and ashkenazi mother fuckers want to stigmatize the female as “less intelligent than our male fellow human.”  Crock of fuckin’ dick cheney bullshit!... (…to be continue)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Relevancy and Communism (BBP)

Everybody wants to stay relevant.  Taking selfies ad nauseum.  Needing to be told that they are cared for all the fuckin time or better yet, loved every second of every damned day.

Law Enforcement Officials wanting kudos and credit for arresting the bad guy. Ain't that their fuckin job?  Fire-persons wanting to be recognized for putting out those horrible fires.  Again, ain't that their fuckin job?  Military people that want to be honored for fighting for our country.  The draft long since gone; hence, military personnel contracting to do a fuckin military job.  No one forced any of these professionals to sign up to do their fuckin job; yet, for some reason we, as a populous, must be politically correct in respecting and honoring these people for just doing their fuckin job?  The fuck?  Well, I say fuck that!

What has happened to just: I am doing a good fuckin job because I am paid to do the job which I signed up to do?  What's wrong with being just regular ol' normal having to go to work Meredith?  Is a muh fuckah missin somethin here?  I mean I'm witnessin some propagandized USSR bullshit right in my own backyard!  The fuck you say?  The fuck I said it goddamnit!