Oh, yes! Gonna be free in a little bit. Get into the set into the sect, circumspect, insect-dissect.
Bet on another dialect.
Best into the test if you do what you do and inspect.
Best into the test if you do what you do and inspect.
Imbue and sue into
the brew above the blue.
Blue raspberry in
no hurry.
Bury another family member to
dismember the member.
A certain truth
being imbued into the rude attitude.
Cut and paste is such a distaste.
Face the truism without patriotism, a
perpetual prism to schism
The brain-cells into the wells of this lost society.
The brain-cells into the wells of this lost society.
Oh…Alas…to be bought…a slave to make one
Like I behave into now lost life which one has become the end instead of
the begin.
Makes one wonder what has
been the storm that hasn’t really become
What we have thought would be the end
of the drought?
Stain the vain of this
existence with your presence, essence…
A bloody last dominance filled menace
By the old school rule Of: To Fight to the death with non-hesitance
For freedom in this
A bloody last dominance filled menace
By the old school rule Of: To Fight to the death with non-hesitance
For freedom in this
A human’s final perfect stance!