You’re supposed to have your smart phone more than one
inch from your body, that is stated in your user’s guide. Does anyone care? Does anyone really give a good solid
Trans fats are horrible for your health, the fats cause all
types of various health complications.
Does anyone care? Does anyone
really give a good solid fuck?
Fluoride is a poison. Our waters should not be contaminated
with it nor should we be ingesting it willfully at all. Does anyone care? Does anyone really give a good solid fuck?...
We could go on and on My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,
but you know what the truth is: People/We…do…not…want…to…know…the…truth. Did I coin that shit? Of course not! But I am finding the more research that I do
about various subjects, the more that statement is becoming an absolute. And that ain’t fuckin good at all for all of
People call the ones like I “Conspiracy nuts.” Shit, I’ll be a nut as long as I can choose
the kind. I think I’ll be a macadamia. Yeah, loves me some of those shits. They are too damn expensive but if I had my
druthers…yes, I’ll be your nut…but I’ll be the one that you cannot resist. Hah!
Ain’t that some shit!
The truth is out there waiting for all of US lost souls to grab on to it and set this askew world straight.
President Trump was not elected by the sorry ass Electorate for nothing! There is something percolating and it’s not coffee but it is damn sure malodorous and dark-brown in color. Believe that kid!
Peace! More to come…