Friday, December 30, 2016

Fresh Air (Fifty-One Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) December 30, 2016

Another year as a witness my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!  Another fuckin year!  Yah heard may!  I know that you did.  But that’s what, to me, is becoming more transparent; more clarity is setting in about this here bigger picture.

 Shit, you got Pizza Gate, ubiquitous nasty pedophiles; President Trump; The Mandela Effect; False News with the Major Networks; Propaganda in “Free” USA; The Russian Blame Game; Flat Earth Evidence;  Lies, on top of lies, on top of lies…well shit, no wonder this world is fucked, the fucked up!  Everybody in this piece, not peace, confused like a mothah fuckah!  And the beats just keep on getting heavier! 

Am I tired…sure, but just like everybody else; that’s all; no more, no less. 

Fifty-one years to this day I was born into this…shit!  And the smell hasn’t gotten any better.  The environment still as fetid smellin as when I had taken my first breath comin out of my Mother’s Holiest of Holy’s.  Now what?

Well, all I can tell you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is, in my truth, the older I get, the more outward I get.  What do I mean?  I mean, in my youth I was a selfish mother fucker!  Straight up!  Inward like a mothah fuckah!  Life was about my existence and the pleasures this life had to offer me, and fuck everybody else!...  Shit, I’m just tellin truths!  Too old not to. 

And I guess that’s what I’m tryin to convey to all of you...when the fuck does your ass find out about who you really are and what the fuck you have to add to this still stank-ass-funky ass life?  

What?  Just to be like everyone else and keep breathin this rank life and one day die?  Noooooo!  Fuck that and the cat in the hat!  My truth, there has to be more than this shit I have been breathing for the past fifty-one years.  Gotstah find some Life Air Freshener!  

Make a mothah fuckah or two understand this life ain’t all about this shit we’ve been breathin into our lungs!  Start sprucing up this place one mothah fuckah at a time!  And finally get rid of this shit smell for good!

And it starts fifty-one years to the day I was birthed…but better late than never...

( be continued...)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Save US...We Are All Drowning! (BBP) January 21, 2017

Fuck you!   Fuck you!  White America!  You are drowning and no one is trying to throw you a life preserver!  These other “Global” fuckers want you to fuckin die!  And you just don’t give a fuck!  Goin the fuck under!  Glugg-glugg-glugg… The best you got? 

Talkin bout niggahs makin this nation what it is, a deplorable state, and you white mothah fuckahs are sellin this shit for fuckin peanuts, fuckin fiat money that ain’t worth the paper it’s printed on!  The fuck wrong with you mother fuckers?

Ain’t no niggahs in charge of this here U-S-of-fuckin-A!   The fuckin rich fuckin pedophile Brits done weaseled their asses right back into power clandestinely.   Have you ever just listened or read John F. Kennedy’s “Secret Society Speech”?  No?  The fuck!  It fuckin figures!

What about Obama?  Yeah, what the fuck about Obama!  You damn-dumb-simple shits.  Ain’t no Black mothah fuckah evah, since the existence of this America, been able to do shit without y’alls white asses cosigning like a motha fuckah!  What?!  You fuckin heard my Black fuckin ass mothah fuckahs!  A niggah can’t do shit without a white man’s sanction even to this very day, even if yo nigger ass is the so-called President of this USA!  Fuck y’alls white sorry-ass-denying-asses!  Fuck y’all!  Put any Black, Brown, Yellow…face in the mix, it’s the white mothah fuckahs makin-it-the-fuck-happen!  I gives a good god damn!  Look in the fuckin mirror goddamnit!  And you’ll see what is staring back atcha and realize what the truth really is:  “My own white people have been playing me and fucking me hard…without lube!”

Quit bein mad at our darky asses cause it’s y’alls sorry pale skin mothah fuckahs that are fuckin each othah and blamin the darkies for it!  And I say to you sorry mothah fuckahs:  “Quit lying to each other before it’s too fuckin late!”  We, the Black Americans, are tired of your blame.  This shit is all your fuckin fault.  So, wake the fuck up and make the shit right!

We Black folks still for some reason got our hand out for you to accept to join us in this broke plight that we all non-rich are in!  Keep rejectin it if yah wannah!  But it will be a sad fuckin day when that same hand you been rejectin is the same hand you witness goin under with your denyin white ass with our look of: I told your mothah fuckin stupid ass it ain’t evah been bout no damn racial shit!  Glugg-glugg-glugg…

Just Kickin Rocks (BBP) Friday, January 20, 2017

On the fields of cotton everyone’s plottin.  Dreamin of Freedom cause you really don’t need’em.  Feed’em something sweet and sour every hour.  Cotton mouthed gone south to rebel the hell of the treasonous ways of this here U-S-of-A.  But it’s okay.  

You just gottah walk…

Sashay and go away for a day or more.  Vacay to a beach and snore.  One cannot teach the repetitive nature of absconding this farce of life to keep the sanity.  But you gottah keep it movin, groovin to this funky beat blaring, hammerin never stammerin with the quick wit that it emits tellin you how it is.  This existence never lies...and that's no surprise....

You just gottah keep bobbin your head and walkin...quit with all that fuckin talkin.

(Created while listening to: Zhu "Generation Why")

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Redeemers (BBP) 2017

The farther a man goes up the ladder the more shit that same man has to do to climb up that same ladder.  

One might say that the ladder is nothing save composed of wood or aluminum and rungs which one man would use to climb upward.  Well, yo ass would be wrong.  

You see, it’s all about where one is trying to get.  

One is thinking in the traditional sense where one needs some aid to advance; albeit in an upward fashion because one is only so tall; ergo, one needs assistance to make it upward to whence one would like to ascend.  

But what about a depraved mothah fuckah that’s not trying to ascend?  Has your ass ever thought of that?  No, I'm sure, quite the adverse.  

I have investigated time and time again where one needs that same ladder to aid, not to ascend, but to descend.  Yes, this is all truth.  Ascension and descension are the same depending upon the space which one has to traverse to get to where one aspires to be.  You might be asking yourself, “Why would one want to descend, if one lives on earth?  Why would one want to work in adverse instead of progressing upwards toward the light?"  

Oh, you pure ignorant soul of this earth.  That is such an unforgettable naïve and pure human response to this man-made darkened existence we call life.  But let me tell you something.  There are people that exist such as, myself.  Yes.  Positively.  I am one of the many Redeemers on this earth.  And the evil that is spreading forthwith will be just as expeditiously abated by ones just like me. 

And I’ll show you how…