Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Revelations of The Flat Earth (Fifty-Two Years Old, Eoin Cody, Kilkenny, Ireland) 12:01 AM, Thursday, February 14, 2019

We have found out there has never been a person that has landed on the moon.  There have never been any planets.  No solar system.  No space.  No black holes.  No nebulae.  No meteors…our atmosphere has been a firmament, as noted in the various historical biblical texts, of the various religions ingrained in our society, that were put aside long ago for no other reason save for ridicule and ostracization by society and loosing viability as a valid religion; ergo, the religious sects fearing the extinction of said religion because of the religion telling the truth.  

We, society, Catholics and Protestants, have been lied to throughout human time about our reality on every level; the powers that be, complicit in the deception to mislead us from our God... from the truth.

Our minds not being able to comprehend the infinite flat plane of this level of life.  So we bent this flat plane of a life to not challenge the mind.

We, as a collective, finding out in a horrible turn of events that God, is in fact, real.  And judgment is now being exacted.  

(...to be continued...)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Familiarity Breeds Contempt (Aaron Thompson) 2016

There’s nothing worse to me than going through pain by your-damn-self.  Now, I’m not talking about physical pain, wanting someone to take that bullet with you or that multiple stabbing going into your flesh… hell no, I’m not that type of dick.  Not at the fuck all.  My ass be just a regular-non-super-sized-one-hundred-percent-non-GMO…dick.  Yah heard may?  Nothin special kind of dick, just me.  Normal dick shit. Yao Ming?  But back to what I was sayin.
I’m talkin bout emotional pain.  The kind of shit where you want to take a scalpel and cut the shit out but that shit ain’t possible.  I’m talkin bout catchin some fuckin blues for real, so blue the blue shit bout ready tah turn black, borderline like a muh fuckah!  But it’s not close to borderline, very definite.  So definite that you can explain the pain deep inside your soul but a doctor wouldn’t even be savvy or adept enough to even know how deep to cut or where in the fuck in your torso to be successful in purging the, with the now, what it feels like, cancerous type of pain, the genesis of it anyway without killing you their damn self.  And medication on any level has been diagnosed to be negligible and not an option.  

So where do you go to cure this unbearable pain?  No place, that’s where.  You affirm the shit.  Recognize the shit out of it and you deal with it, because depending on the severity, the shit may be hurtin for days, weeks, months or years to come.  And you knew that even before the excruciating emotional pain began.  You the fuck knew the pain had to come and stay one day.  But all you can think of is, “Can my old ass survive this episode?”  You smile at that question because it's been asked and answered for the past ten years.  And your Black ass is still here as a fuckin witness to this oft times painful existence.    

Well, like anything in your life, everything has been painful and nothing has come easy that has been worth a damn in your life that was sans pain so…you have to learn how to deal with it because you also know emotional pain doesn’t last forever unless that’s the torture you want to put yourself through: perpetual emotional pain until you die.  

No, that is not a viable option at-the-fuck-all because that would lead to madness and the madness is already present in your wrecked soul and if it gets any worse, then dirt and silence becomes your friend and that’s no way to put a period on your life or show your love for the one who you are painfully still breathing in this life for.  Oh, no!  

You see, the only thing you must, not shall, do My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs is to be one with the pain and deal with it!  Because emotional pain is commonplace in my soul!  

What do you fuckin got this time?  No better than the last!  I guarantee it!  And one of these days…one of these days…I will finally put you down for the last time, the final death blow! 

But for now…give me your best fuckin shot!  You sick fuck! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC), Butlerville, Indiana / Hiding In Plain Sight (BBP) Monday, August 21, 2017 9:30 AM

I asked before I decided to visit if they had a tour of the more than 1,000 acre facility.  “Sure,” the person named Alex Jonas said, “Anytime between, eight to four will be just fine,” he continued.

“You mean I don’t need an appointment or anything to witness it?  I mean it looks as though you all are busier than shi.. I mean heck,” I said.

“Oh, buddy, it’s not like we haven’t heard words like that before.  You’re fine.  But hecks no.  I’ll be here.  I’m the one that gives all the newbies a tour.  We sho nuff don’t have nothin tah hide down here.  Just come on down you’ll see.  Okay,” Alex said so amicably.

“I’ll do that Alex.  I’m anxious to see all of the urban mock facilities you have down there for training exercises for God’s sake that the experts say: Are state of the art, ” I said.

“For sure, for sure buddy.  Pictures don’t do this place justice at all.  Just come on down.  You’ll see.  Bye now,” Alex said.

“Bye,” I said and we both rang off.

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"Soylent Green" and Other Refinements (Fifty-Eight Years Old, Wheeler Aulseitz, Bioethicist) November 15, 2018

We never thought of it really.  How could they?  I mean I understand protein is protein but turning the dead human species into energy bars; and having the nerve to call them, “True Life Bars,”  and then the motto: “The life within this healthy food  will aid you in living forever and we guarantee it or a return of your full monetary purchase price.  And keep the rest on us!  We are True Life!”  

So they said and no one was really suckered into it, save some broke down rich person looking at some radicalized shit that claimed that they would, oh, just that, live forever.  There was no manufactured eugenic formula made out of all else, we nasty humans, that would keep one in the fittest shape imaginable forever.

But damn.  You would have to be here to witness the shit that is on display.  I mean mother fuckers some one-hundred-fifteen years old looking as though they do not look a day over thirty.  How's a scientist in any capacity going to discount this diet plan to the naysayers?  The shit was working and the people taking it didn’t give a shit of where the tasty tidbits came from that is making them look quite fabulous I have to say.

(...to be continued...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sending Out An S.O.S.! (BBP) December 31, 2015

Lost, how else could he possibly explain what he had been for the entirety of his almost fifty-one year old life?  He felt like a fucking alien in a world that was supposed to be a place where he was birthed, a place where he had factually lived for all of his life.  So, why in the hell did this world feel so foreign to him and why did he feel so foreign to it? 

Uncomfortable wasn’t even a good adjective to use for how he felt constantly.  And he wouldn’t even get started speaking about the depression that he felt every day of those over fifty years of this life which was forcefully and abhorrently injected into his soul, a depression which had never gotten lighter; no, quite the adverse, it was weighing him the fuck down to the point of breathlessness.  He couldn’t fucking breath properly any longer.  Panic attacks, palpitations, mania…

  So, as you can plainly see, he was tired; real tired.  The one question that constantly went back and forth within his mind was, “Do I belong here?”  Because it sure didn’t feel like it.  The fuck no!  And that led to the next question, “And if I do belong here, then what is my fucking purpose because my Black ass is tired of being so fucking depressively lost!”

(…to be continued…)