Thursday, June 23, 2016

Shall We Fly? (Forty-Six Years Old, B. R. Little Sr., Muskogee, Oklahoma) January 01, 2020

I love to fly.  

At first I stand upon my perch looking out at space, 

A little more downward 

I see the earth and everything which lives upon its surface, 

I want to be one with the environment; 

So I drop off, 

Descend at a rapid speed, blinding in scope; 

But, just before the matter begins to thicken, 

I level off on a dime.  

Getting my orientation, life is clearer.  

I smile then I dive into the action!

(Created while listening to: Maxwell / Lake By The Ocean)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Lord Is My Shepherd II (The Beginning Dialogue of "Mother, Jugs and Speed II") (Albert "Mother" Johnson, EMT, In Transport to Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana with Possible Drug Overdose Victim, Matthew Thyce) 2014

“Shit man we got to hit him!  Nothing’s worked and we are still a good five minutes away!”  Speed said.

“Man I don’t know!  You know how they doin Speed?  They firin motha fuckas over this shit.  I mean shit man.  The motha fucka pro’ly gone brah.  I mean he’s been foamin like a soap dispensa for bout a minute now.  We’ve done all that we’ve been trained to do, and if we pull those paddles out and this motha fucka don’t make it..shit, they down two stacks and they can’t bill no fuckin body, cause of our fuckin decision makin?  Come ohn brah?” Mother said, “Yo Jugs, you hearin this?”

“The fuck Mother fucker!  Of course I’m hearin this shit.  Your shits always mic’d up!” Jugs said.

“A man can’t be too careful, yao ming?” Mother said.

“Speak on it, Mother!” Jugs said.

“What’s your vote?” Mother said.

“Tag that ass!” Jugs hollered, “We’ll all make it to that mother fucker alive! Begin the electro-fuckin-cution!  E-T-A, two minutes and some change!”

“You heard the boss, let’s fire this motha fucka up!” Mother said.

“Man, I really wish the fuck you wouldn’t talk like that in this type of shit!” Speed said.

“Oh, man boo, Motha fucka hit him!”  Mother said.

“Clear!  The fuck…” Speed credulously said.

(to be continued…)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Comeback (Twenty-Nine Years Old, Clardy O'Neil Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur) Reno, Nevada - April 14, 2020

People always downplaying drugs.  Shit, when the shit hits the fan, and it’s sho nuff gonna, let me tell ya a lil’ some’ehn some’ ehn, fuck all that food, start stockpiling drugs! 

Shit, Apocalypse comes and you are one of the survivors.  Does yo ass need a wiener schnitzel or a fuckin Xanax?  I’m sorry tah tell yah, please pass the lil’ white pill. 

Do you know when the shit hits the fan, a motha fucka will probably be so fuckin worried all the time, they can’t even sleep?  I don’t know ‘bout chew but, “Shit, where did I put that fuckin Ambien?”

 I mean they got some shit, check this out, you got a family of let’s say, four.  You knock two of those mothah fuckahs out, from the jump, with some Ambien; then you only have to provide for really, two every day.  And put that shit on rotation: wife and son, daughter and I; always two asleep to reserve resources, and a idle motha fucka ain't usin that many resources...  See what I mean? 

They got some shit that will literally put a mothah fuckah in suspended animation, which to me, is way more important than a fuckin can of tuna!  Fuck You!

And do you not realize how much that shit is goin ta be worth  negro when a motha fucka needs some damn relief when Apocalypse decides tah say, “How yall doin mothah fuckahs?”  Sheeit!  You already know! 

( be continued.)

Friday, June 17, 2016

And The Difference Is. (Morgan Roy Llambert, Black, Mentor, Civil Activist) New Madrid, Missouri "The Fault Line Discussion" Town Hall Meeting - Monday, December 23, 2019

In the days of peril and unrest there will be days of long absurdity in man’s judgment; which has been long overdue.  What do men do in times when the population gets out of control and the teachings of that same population are few; moreover; almost non-existent?

 Unlike the quadrupeds the bipeds need care, teachings to continue to exist because their main innate action is to control their surroundings and the people who live in and share in said surrounding.  If they cannot do the former, they would rather destroy that aforementioned surrounding than to try to coexist with that same surrounding and its people; less…one is taught the equality of humans because of our sentient qualities which differentiates us from the quadrupeds. 

But, I digress…

(…to be continued.)

Monday, June 13, 2016

Human Flight Is Possible To Those Who Believe ( Sixteen Years Old, B. R. Little Jr., Muskogee, Oklahoma) December 03,2020

I’m flying.  No one thinks this is possible,

When no one is around…

I fly. 

The wind just presses lightly against me,

Embracing me, as I become one with it;

I compress myself to be more aerodynamically sleek;

Tuck my head;

And streamline my way into another dimension.

(Created while listening to: CFCF / You Hear Colours.)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Lord Is My Shepherd (Twenty-Four Years Old, Matthew Thyce, Knightstown, Indiana Resident) 2014

He could hear his heartbeat all up into his ears; the sound had become everything, drowning out his other senses, but he guessed it was a good thing because it, the rising percussion of his heart,  told him what was going on in his body, and he could tell you for damn sure, something was wrong. 
He remembered the hit; the mother fucker didn’t taste right, didn’t hit the back of his throat right, he didn’t feel right on the draw…he should have known then.  But like most that had come before him, that added peril was the point to the whole process:  will my ass be able to do this again, or will this be my last time getting high?  Sounds dumb, but it is what it is.
And here he was looking up at a nasty ass ceiling of…where in the fuck was he at…but fuck that my fucking heart…Oh Lord…Oh Lord! 

And it scared the shit out of him, maybe like a defibrillator does when your heart flat-lines, because he heard the voice very calmly say, “Don’t you dare let my name come out of your mouth not one more time my Son.  

"Oh my heart...Whah!" He bellowed."

...You heard me.  Whatever happens from this point on will be totally up to you.  You are near death, but it is up to your faith and your direction subsequent which will make all of the difference in the world for you my Son.  But don’t you dare cry out for me in such a pitiful way and you’ve been ignoring me for more than ten years when you first lost your way!  Don’t you dare!  But like all of the times in your life, I have been right here with you, trying to guide you all of your life; like I am trying to do for you right now. But it’s time for you to choose…

“But my heart hurts so bad!”

…Shhhhh…life or death?  It’s your choice.  And as before, whatever be your will, I will be right by your side…”

(to be continued…) 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Iridology - Father Time and Ignatz Peczely (Forty-Four Years Old, Expert Iridologist, Aaron Norwood, Applicable Science Facts Convention (ASFC)) Osaka, Japan - Monday, November 25, 2019 at 9:00 AM

Iridology was and is the future.  Way back in 1893 an Hungarian physician invented the so-called pseudo-science, along with his fellow scientists scoffing at him like he were a fool.  But Father knew.   Father had found these papers, in a remote Hungarian mountain range cabin; the cabin had been owned by one dead, seventy-three year old Egyptian Ex-Pat millionaire, Jean Louis Ami may he rest in peace.  Father was foraging so he foraged in what he knew as a now deserted cabin.

On the last page and on the last line, of the more than 2,000 page document, it read:

“...Needs computer technology to be applied for accurate assignments.”  

Father, reading these words from these fragile looking sheets of paper-like material, which looked in pristine condition;  Father stating, “I knew this pile of documents were important when I first ran across them.  I got this instant feeling of euphoria and my heart was hammering in my chest when my eyes came upon them.  I knew the information contained within would be important somehow, I just didn’t know how and to what extent.  But I had no idea Ig-Z!  What in the world, Ig’Z, is a computer?...”

I have no more bricks to hurl at the truth.

( be continued...)

(Created while listening to:  Slave / A Touch Of Love

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Let Us Take Care Of Our Own Garden" (Fifty-Three Years Old, Robert Singleton Harley) August 25,2019

I feel alive for the first time in a long time.  Why?  Because of Love, because of life, because of our healthy daughter…I could go on and on.  I’m usually a dour filled depressive individual. Not saying I don’t get into my moods…but damn, I have found out this life could be way fucking worse.  I’m finally starting to understand and appreciate that fact which has made all the difference in the world. 

And this world is about to drastically change; and I’m more than okay with that.

(Created while listening to Felix Jaehn ft. Jasmine Thompson/Ain’t Nobody)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Virulent (Cameron Elan, The Humanist Conference, Indianapolis Native) July 7, 2019 Denver, Colorado

All I can say is this, we have bought into the philosophy that: in order to obtain order, there must be order and in order to have order, there must be an order to our human behavior  in order to have said order.  You understand?

So once one understands that principle, which understanding is accomplished, then knowledge is attained.  Once knowledge has been partaken in for awhile; then belief takes over; then finding one’s facts to make-up their given truth.  Not “The Truth.”  With every single sentient that’s how the process we have found has been working.

But once you understand the process, like before, you start understanding; you can reverse any process that has been implemented if it is a virus to this Super-Human-Computer, because on a small scale we have witnessed what a virus can do to just one computer! And we won’t even speak about the devastating effect on a complete system.

No, we have to kill this virus of human behavior.  Not!  Thank you all for coming tonight.

( be continued)

(Created while listening to Ro James/Permission)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

You've Just Created The Perfect Day (BBP) Now

I don’t know you.  
Do I?  
Maybe I do.  
Come on over and sit a spell.  
Oh, you hear it too? 
Most definitely, chill;  
The way it is s’posed to be.  
Would you like a beer?  
Yeah, light.  
Amstel Light, cool?  
My Sweet Sistah!  
Oh you're right, there is a breeze today.  
Beautiful day?  
I must agree.  
One of the best days now that you are sitting next to me. 
No…I wouldn’t lie to you;  
Not on such a perfect day that you have created.

(Created while listening to Guordan Banks/Keep You In Mind)

Today, Again! (Deuce) January 2016

Can’t stop my feet, they just want to move…


Yeah, dance...  

Take me this way and that way.  Let’s go to the right.  Now, to the left.  Let’s stand still, shuffle…work it.. Because it is today.  

Ho!  You know I am alive!  Yes, I know you are too!  

We are!  We are!... 

I!  Am!  Alive!..  

You!  Are!  Alive!...


To the right.  To the left...  

Bob your head constantly.  

Yeah, dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt…


Now salsa….

Now salsa…

Now salsa….

(Created while listening to Zero 7/Today)

Her Name Is Aquarius (BBP) December 6, 2020

When she was born she altered the world.  The universe as we knew it was no more, changed somehow by one human being brought unto this earth, and with that, a cataclysmic change in the earth’s normalcy. 

Abnormal behavior running rampant in the spirit world and the natural physical world; but it was for the better and was prophesied some 2,150 years at a clip. It was just a change in the season.

Wait no longer!  It was time for the Lady to make her grand entrance.  And she did not disappoint.

A well needed calm started dancing around this earth.  

Blessedly, the Genesis of Aquarius had begun.

(Created while listening to Sia/Alive(Maya Jane Coles Remix)

The Ol' Lymp Peons / Thee Olympians (BBP) November 28, 2020

Who are “they”?  A mad bunch let me tell you.  You see, this is their cycle and they know it.  They revel in it.  The men, in the various tribes who comprise Thee Olympians, they kept their disgraced tribe name for some reason.  The previous cycle had named their given tribes, 33 in total, ‘The Ol’ Lymp Peons.’  Most, no one really has ever obtained that little bit of our sordid history,  of the men in the tribe could not get an erection and the men were embarrassed because their wives had to go outside of the tribe to get impregnated.   They were never pure.  They were a tribe full of shame.  

So about a little more than a century and a half ago, they changed the spelling of their name.  And that was the beginning of the end to their cycle, unbeknownst to the 666 families who comprised the fated most powerful tribe on earth.

The Age of Aquarius had been put off a little bit  too long.  It was time for the Ol' Lymp dicks to be abdicated along with Pisces, they had been flaccid for way too long.

( be continued)   

(Created while listening to Dirty Vegas/Simple Things)

They (BBP) November 2016

For a long time now, our brains have been on auto-pilot.  They hire the best mind control experts in our time; and they have access to an almost endless amount of information from mind control experts from our past.  

The euphemism for these mind-control experts, visually, are Psychiatrists and Psychologists; presently, one would have to extend to that list, all “doctors,” they too, can prescribe mind altering drugs.  

Conspiracy?  Mais oui bien sur!

Their whole shtick, all of these years, was and continues to be: to manipulate humanity for the sole purpose to stop individual thinking, to visually stimulate us to, “What you think is not true; what you see is true.”  Outer is more important than the inner.  

Thinking on one’s own was/is not an option for the "greater" good of humanity and definitely not good for the entitled 666.

(to be continued...)

(Created while listening to Heatwave/Star of The Story)

Friday, June 3, 2016

Skin I'm In (Deuce) Summer 2016

Skin is in.


Uh, Not so much.
But don’t you dare touch,

What is being showcased;

 Odds are, encrusted-laced;

Encased with a small waste;

You've traced down south from their waist.

Can't even think of the very possible foul taste.  

Never forget,

What yo ass sees, is what yo ass gets!
Oh, don’t even try tah look away…

 'Cause it’s here tah stay.