Thursday, July 23, 2015

I Hear You, Yo Honah! I Fuckin Hear You Loud And Fuckin Clear! (Anthony Thompson,Johnson County, Indiana) June, 2015

Motha Fuckas don't want ta see yo monkey ass! For real! You listen to these muh fuckas that don't know shit bout this here judicial system, especially as it applies to this here paternity, custody...or whateva hearings bullshit. People don't know what the fuck they talkin bout. Let me tell yo ignant ass somehn! These courts are so backed up and shit, they don't have time for the trivial bullshit you think is relevant. You, may think the shit is relevant, but yo relevancy don't have shit ta do with the fuckin law. Ya heard may? You can get mad all you fuckin want but the evidence the court is lookin at is what they go by. And the Motion or Petition they are judging is all that they are lookin at. Not yo five, ten, fifteen years of fuckin marriage or a fuckin relationship yo sorry ass done had with the Father or Mother of said child. They ain't got time fo that bullshit!

Yeah! Yeah! Next booty on duty motha fuckaGotsta keep it fuckin movin goddamnit! Well I just want the court to know...Whah? That shit ain't in the Motion! Fuck that! What else yo sorry ass got for my tired ass? Gots no time fo shit that ain't been put in the proper legal way. There's law you ignant motha fuckas!

Here in lies the rub. If you don't know proper procedure as it pertains to the law, judges get quite pissed. Not just by the one who is Motioning or Petitioning but by every goddamned body involved! If the shit ain't got nothin ta do with the best interest of the child, then get the fuck out of my fuckin courtroom! This shit is bout what the Mother wants or what the Father wants. Not what the fuckin child needs! Get-the-fuck-out! And don't let me see yo monkey asses back in here anytime soon! Or there will be hell ta pay! Ya heard may?

Shiiiit! I got ears yo Honor! I got fuckin ears! Best believe that shit! For real!

Peace! More to come...

This Is Only The Beginning (Elaine Hopson II/Deuce) 2018

You are perfectly created.

You are uniquely you.

No one else can be you.

No one is like you...

And this is where this story of our individuality begins.

Please, stay tuned.

( be continued)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 (From Another Learned Poor Person) November 2020

We guessed it was always in our faces. The sign being there most of our lives. All the times humans have used the phrase over the years, "Hindsight is 20/20."

Well, 2015 is when we should have known something. Global warming; volcanoes stirring and erupting, tornadoes every where...; the human condition worsening; nature loosing its shield, the atmosphere thinning...But no one looked at the year that we were in. No, one!

20/15, as far as visual acuity is concerned, is better vision than 20/20. It was there, right in our faces all this time. The year of our Lord 2015 in the optical realm had been forecasting our human fate; albeit, unbeknownst to US; we knew what was going to come in 2020. 20/20 is when normal visual acuity has been obtained. 20/15 is when you see better than what is deemed "normal."

We witnessed it. Right in front of our eyes all along, 20/15 meant the year 2015. But we didn't pay it any mind whatsoever. Clarity had come in 2015.

The horrible shit we should have seen coming, back in 2015, hit the masses in 2020.

But by was too late.