Monday, June 30, 2014

Got Fags? (Anonymous) 1966

Looking at the glowing tip get brighter as I inhale;
Watching it dim as I pull my lips from the butt;
Yes, it is like life;
That's why I smoke.
As the fire fights fruitlessly
Trying to stay toward the tip,
As in life, it is in vane.
Life has to burn...up!
Life reaching it's fiery crescendo;
Burning until there is nothing left,
Only what cannot be enjoyed,
The Filter, a small part of the whole.
But for now it constantly burns;
Embers never dying;
Until life has ceased.
Pulling out another,
Rejuvenating life;
As with a birth of a child;
You need fire to implant the seed;
A Fire for life;
To start the finite whole,
The short cylindrical phallic
That will die,
From me,
Or from someone else snuffing it out,
Or burns out all by itself.
Yes, you are like life,
As long as you are burning,
I Still have a chance.
Until someone, or something, snuffs me out;
Or...I burn out all by myself.

Hooked On Stupid (Recovering Black Stoner) 1995

I see it live and in color in kaleidoscopic hues. Terrible twos are not the topic anymore in this needing of  a presbyopic state, going to get a new prescription way too late. But that’s the fate which belies such fools as we. Drinking green tea to stay healthy while the wealthy pours another glass of red wine that has suited US just fine. Going to find another cure? Sure. Whatever! Sever the chord of the discord once again. We will always sin. Our addictive innate qualities have given the powers that be to tap into the hot button of technology addiction, that affects man, woman, child, race, creed and color. Two hundred million more addicts and they’ll shut it all down, to everyone’s chagrin, to everyone’s frown. The cellular phone is the nebular drone to our once interpersonal interactive voice. Funny…humans were doomed when they were given choice.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God Incarnate (Female Tribal Elder, Northwest Territory, Second Cycle) Year Unknown

What dost thou seeketh in this non-refracted transgressed world? Why dost thou want to keep breathing in such fetid, rancid air? Dost thy being, thy spirit verily awake to nothingness? To awake and witness the same as thy dost the day before thine eyes closeth? Thou is the Kingdom…and the Glory! Awake ye all and passeth on thine light to thine Brethren and Sistren! Thy life will forever carryeth on afore life passeth on life! We! We all are! Our God in the flesh! And we must, not shall, adorneth Ourselves with that raiment of Holiness for all to see and to witness! For the sake of US all!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fuck Memories...For Now. (Thirty-One Years Old, Jacqueline James (Jay-Jay), Black American) December 2005

My Mother had been dead eighteen months, four days, sixteen hours, thirty-seven minutes and ten, eleven, twelve...seconds.  I was still having problems.  I was healing from her passing but very, very slowly. I thought I was going mad at first but once I started reading and speaking with people who had lost a parent or parents, I found out that I was quite sane in fact; which was the most troubling part about it.  

You mean to tell me people have been emotionally devastated like me throughout humankind trying to stay somewhat functional with their daily lives dealing with the bullshit that is going on inside me right the fuck now?  How had society been so progressive in our history?  And the last query that I had just asked myself gave me great pause and helped me immeasurably for my future mental state and future productivity.

Just after my Mother’s passing I would break down crying any and everywhere.  But for the past twelve months those bad times of missing her only came when I was at my home.  Why was that?  Like now, I am at home and I am almost inconsolable with my grieving with my loss which had happened eighteen months, four days, sixteen hours, forty-one minutes and forty-five, forty-six…seconds in my past.

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I Am A Proper Life's Soldier "Kill'em All Drill Sergeant, Let God Sort It Out!" (Fifty-Three Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Saved, An Interview With Adam Christ Of FM 104.5, WPPL, Indianapolis, Indiana) 2019

You can answer that question for yourself.  So can every listener to this broadcast.  We know what our given truths are and it doesn’t make any difference what another’s truths are if we are not receptive to said another’s truths.

“Well, maybe I did misspeak.  I guess what I was trying to get at is your opinion of the question that I asked you first Mr.Hopson,” the On-Air Personality, Adam Christ, said.

Now that’s an entirely different thing.  I do not speak for any group, organization, political entity…so when one, like you, asks me such a loaded question I am not here to recruit converts, convince another, propagate cosigners…only to speak my individual truth or truths. Nothing more. 

“I understand.  I’m sorry.  Please, would you answer the question that I had posed to you previously?”  He asked.

I’m sorry too because, no.  The question you posed previously is flawed.  If I answer the question you still are not on the record of changing the way the question at the onset of this query session was posed and until you do that I will not respond because of the problems referred to prior.

“Well, I really don’t see the relevance of what you proffer.  You are on record for having extreme views on the human race and where ultimately you would take this life that we live.  So why the hesitancy to answer the question?” He asked.

I have no hesitancy to answering any question that pertains to my belief system, my truth.  But I do have an hesitancy of answering a loaded question that makes me sound like I know what is best for the human race and the human existence; that I do not know for all, but I know for my truth; ergo, my belief and my truth not another who may be listening to this banter.

“Is it always this difficult speaking with you Mr. Hopson?  I’m just asking you questions that are not difficult because you have been addressed and have answered them before, so why are you giving me such a hard time?”  He asked.

Communication is difficult; and effective and accurate communication even more so.  I cannot speak for the ones who came before you who asked me questions about this life and didn’t inform another, like you, of the travails that they had gone through of interviewing me.  That is not my responsibility or problem.  I only am here to reiterate the positions I have posed before.  And if you think I am here to only give you a hard time then that is not my intimation whatsoever nor, again, my problem.  I would only convey to you that if you feel that I am treating you any differently than the rest who have interviewed me then you need to asks the previous interviewers of their given experience with me but I refuse to sit up here giving testimonials to you to how an interviewing process is handled by me, that is something you need to do your own homework on but I will not do your job for you.  I am who I am.  But once query is posed correctly, I have no problem answering any and or all of them.

“I see.  Okay.  What would you do, if you were president of this great nation of ours, to make our human lives better?”  Adam asked and raised his eyebrows as if to ask, “Was that direct enough for you?”

Ahhhh!  Well put my dear Adam.  And as I have stated numerous of times before: I would kill every mother fucking male adult and male child on this planet and start once more.

“But you are a male too.  That would mean you would have to die also,” Adam said in a scoffing fashion.

And your point would be…?